Friday, October 30, 2015

Week 9: Oct 29, 2015

Finally, Oregon won a game this season while wearing silver/white! But just barely!

All their previous victories had been while wearing mostly black/yellow, and their three loses have been in mono-green or white/silver. They have yet to come out dressed with green AND yellow, so maybe that will be a look for Civil War or the tough stretch of Stanford/USC?

This week also seemingly is the first time in a long while that they have worn the same jersey two games in a row (road white with silver/apple shoulders)

But they have yet to stick with one helmet! This week's was silver but with very subtle sparkles (so subtle it's hard to replicate), but not the same as disco-ball-white from MSU game or the metallic silver "pioneers" from the WSU game.

My main pet peeve with this week and last week is that silver and apple green do not contrast enough. The O is better than the duck head, but still? I long for them to return to either just the O or Mariota-wings.

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